January 2012 Moms

Elective ultrasound non clicky poll

Hey ladies! Need some opinions. We have our a/s scheduled for next Wed, but Thursday is DH and my date night and I was thinking of something fun to do. There is an elective u/s place right by our house and they do sex determination for $65. I called to see if they had any openings this week thinking they definitely wouldn't and they happen to have one at 5:30 on Thurs. Would you go for it and drop $65 knowing the anatomy scan is less than a week away? I can't seem to make up my mind. I would ask DH but if I decide to make the appt I'd want it to be a surprise. Thoughts?
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers
BFP 1 on 10.30.10 spontaneous m/c on 12.28.10 at 12 weeks
BFP 2 It's a girl! Born 1.18.12 at 39w
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