Upstate NY Babies

Well, going camping :)

I fought it tooth and nail but I'm going camping for the next couple nights, so wish me luck!

I am a frazzled mess, trying to pack for me and the kids, get everything in order, reschedule some stuff, N's last day of summer preschool is on friday, I have a lot of stuff going on next week (basically last week of summer etc).  My house is a wreck.. don't really want to come home to such a mess and have to deal with lots of dirty laundry and unpacking!  

Just tried to eat lunch and so typical - I take 1 bite of my sandwich and the girls both start screaming, H poops in her diaper.. momma needs a break!  Hoping I can nap with DD or at least put down a couple good books when we're camping and she's napping.

I'll come back with a full report!  Since we're done having kids, I'm looking forward to doing this next summer - H will be 2.5 and potty trained, N will be 5 and can certainly do/enjoy most anything.... it will be a  breeze!

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