Upstate NY Babies

A Stroller WWYD?

Ok. So I currently have a Joovy Caboose Ultralight, a Graco Quattro Tour, and a cheapo umbrella stroller (the one you get free at BRU with other purchases). Chelsea is 3 and 1/2, Molly is almost 14 mos. Whenever we go anywhere, Chelsea wants to walk, but then insists on DH carrying her after about 10 minutes. The sit and stand solved this problem for a while, but I really don't like it anymore. I got it on CL for $70, so no big loss. I just don't like how hard it is to maneuver, and it doesn't seem like Molly is very comfortable in it. I like the Graco for it's storage under the seat, and Molly definitely likes it. But then Chelsea has nowhwere to sit. So...we are considering either a double umbrella or a wagon. I haven't even started looking into the double umbrellas yet, so I was wondering if anyone here has one they would recommend? Also, would you just get one or the other? Or both? The wagon I want isn't too expensive, but is it overkill to have both? And should I sell the other two strollers?
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