Upstate NY Babies

Baby-sitting is not for me

I've been watching a friend's little boy last week, Mon and today and man it's a lot with Jules. He's almost 3 and is definitely all boy.  He isn't a bad little boy but it's just hard with both of them and me feeling crappy most of the day.  I've already told the parents that I can't watch him tomorrow or Thursday because his dad (works with DH) has a conference day (7-3) then coaches after that (3-7).  Am I whiny or is that a long day?  I think it's just going to be a long day alone with Jules!  The other issue is that her nap schedule gets very thrown off when he's here, setting up the day and night for more fun. 

Vent over, I guess the point of the post is I give those of you who watch kids (June, IDK who else does) tons of credit! 

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