January 2012 Moms

Name Frustration!

My husband is great. From some of the things I have read in posts on this site and others I'm pretty sure he may qualify for sainthood, or at least best husband of the year. There has been a catch, though, we cannot come close to agreeing on names... boy or girl.

I'm starting to get super frustrated because usually we are pretty good at talking things through and figuring stuff out... but not names. I have family and friends that keep telling me either "Put your foot down! When he carries a baby for 9 months and goes through the labor to get them into the world THEN he can have a say on what the baby's name is"  OR  "Sense your the mom you'll be the one filling out the forms so you can name the baby whatever you want!"

I cannot express how much I don't like those answers... they are not helpful to me and I think just downright sneaky and mean.

 Anyone else having problems like this?

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