January 2012 Moms

A/S: Boy, Oh Boy!

Boy oh boy, we're having a Boy! (due January 15)

From the beginning we thought boy, but recently I started to get really excited about maybe having a girl.  Regardless we are both thrilled that our first is a boy and if we have more later they will have a big brother to look our for them.

Everything at the a/s was not as planned, though.  We were there 4 hours between the u/s tech, then she brought in the fetal medicine doctor who looked at the u/s for awhile, then to my OB, then back to u/s with the doctor.  Everything except the heart looked great and they are pretty confident that the heart is OK they just couldn't get good enough pictures to confirm.  Apparently I have too little tissue (fat) between my skin and the baby for them to get clear pictures unless baby is in just the right position.  We're hoping it is just a technology challenge and not a hole in the heart.  We will know more later this week when we go back in.  Hopefully baby will be in the right position to check everything out. 

We're staying positive and not stewing on the "what if"s.  DH is at Lowe's getting paint for the nursery right now and took this week off so we could spend it together getting things ready for baby and having quality time before I head back to work next week.

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