Upstate NY Babies

Yay! Score!

So I posted on fb that I got a Joovy big caboose (it's a triple but with a sit and stand for J) off CL tonight for $75 and I was Estatic!

We get there an it's in almost brand new condition. THEN the guy says they're cleaning out all their baby stuff- we can look on his porch and take anything we want for free for buying the stroller- he's just putting it all out for garbage...

Power wheels type motorcycle (still works great)... sure! A Leap Frog table.... sure! Little People remote control train set... why not? 2 almost new baby gates... heck yeah!

 I must be getting old because this was like THE best Saturday night, haha!

imageimageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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