Single Parents

Oral argument in court today...

We had a court meeting today, asked for by my STBXH and his lawyer (even though all of these things were addressed in a consent order or sent to mediation).  The judge pretty much told them she wasn't dealing with this today and that she thought (based on the fact that the motion they filed came 1 week after the consent order in our DV case) that they agreed to the consent motion to get the DV case dropped.  I agreed because I no longer had to go back into the marital home and he couldn't continue to be emotionally/verbally abusive (and I didn't want our DS to have a situation where his parents were not allowed to be in the same room)  The only other thing added was he gets to have DS for 1 week vacation this coming week...I get vacation with him the week after. 

I'm ok with all of this, and in fact, had been trying to propose various scenarios through my lawyer (STBXH's lawyer told my lawyer that he is being stubborn).  Although he was a mostly absent father, and at times a careless father, if he is truly trying to be a father now that he doesn't have DS with him every day, then I can't deny our DS the chance to have that, and I don't want to.  I just don't want this to get dragged out any longer than we absolutely need to.  

 A little bit of progress made after some months of standing still.  Thank God.

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