
3 year old tells daddy she doesn't like him

Hi. My 3 year old DD in the last few months has started randomly saying "I don't like you" to her daddy.  It breaks DH's heart, and we are not sure why she is doing it.  He's good to her. He spends plenty of one on one time with her, takes her fun places to play, etc.  I'm completely perplexed, because until about age 2, DH was seriously her whole world.  I'd started wondering why I was chopped liver, LOL! Then around 2 1/2 it's like a switch flipped and now she acts kind of hateful toward him. As far as I can tell, nothing has changed about their relationship, same amount of time together, etc.

 Any thoughts or suggestions on why she's doing this, and how I can help? I did mention it to her pedi at her 3 year well visit, but he couldn't offer much other than, "sometimes kids just pick one parent over another".  I get that, and I'd be alright I guess if she just seemed to favor one of us, but this outright nastyness towards DH is confusing...

 Adding an extra level of confusion, at times, she's still very loving and cuddly with him.  This hateful stuff is random.

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