Upstate NY Babies

ugh, I think we are changing daycares (LONG)

Kind of a long sorry if I ramble.  Maybe my standards are too high, or maybe I am just crazy, but I have toured TWELVE centers since the time Zoey was born (and spoken on the phone with at least 4-5 more than I never went to see).  The one we ended up choosing for her was really great for the first year, but then the director switched to a different location and ever since the new director came in I have not been 100% happy there.  The biggest issue is that it seems like they are constantly losing staff and so it seemed like every time I turned around Zoey had a new teacher.  I figured it out and from the time she moved into the toddler room she had at least SIX different teacher (in about 1.5 years). So, I don't think it is unreasonable of me to be upset about that.  I did voice my concerns to the director, and even her supervisor on more than one occasion and they always told me they understand how I am feeling, they are just as frustrated as I am, they are looking for the right candidate but won't hire just anyone just to fill the position.  Blah blah blah.  So I was still not all that thrilled about the situation, but decided that I would stick it out because Zoey was used to it, always seemed happy, was getting good care and learning a lot, etc.  I think the constant teacher changes actually bothered me much more than her.

So I was feeling ok with going back to them this year, but the final straw came when I went in on Tuesday to drop of registration paperwork and a check for the first week back.  They have had even more staffing changes since I left in January, and at that point could not even tell me who would be teaching either of the girls since they have to hire a new teacher for both the infant room and the preschool room.  So, I left there very upset and frustrated that I didn't even get to meet their teachers and at this point I think I am just ready to be done with them. I just can not deal with the inconsistency anymore. Our second choice center from when I put Zoey in daycare is full so that's not an option.  :( 

So, today I went at looked at two other centers which I had not toured when looking for Zoey and I think I found a place we felt comfortable with.  The first one was a definite no because the outside door to the building does not lock and it's not exactly in the best neighborhood.  But the second one, I feel good about.  SIL send her kids there and has been happy.  It is run in cooperation with a school so all of the teachers are certified teachers with a Master's Degree and the program seems very strong academically.  The woman in the infant room has been there for 8 years so I don't think that I have to worry about her leaving.  The preschool teachers all seem really great too and I know that Zoey would learn a lot.  And, they also said they are willing to accept the cloth diapers.  The only negatives are that the food is not the healthiest --  Zoey will eat in the cafeteria so it's typical school food - pizza, chicken nuggets, etc, and that the kids watch TV in the afternoons before pickup.  (I am not totally anti-TV by any means, but in the perfect world would prefer that my kids don't watch TV every day at "school")

Anyways, I have to talk things over with my husband when he gets home from work, but I am 99% sure we will not be returning to our current daycare and switching to this other place.  I'm not looking forward to calling the director to let her know, they are expecting Zoey and Liana will be starting on Tuesday.  But I really think that we are making the right decision not sending them back.  Hopefully she will be understanding about it and not give me a hard time. 

Wow, that got really long.  (SORRY!)  Thanks for listening! :)  More of a vent than anything else, but input and advice are welcome :)

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