Single Parents

Opinions please.. WWYD?

Let me introduce myself..  I am not a single parent, I am a single birth-mother. I wanted to ask someone who knows where I'm coming from. I don't think there is a way to shorten this story.  I'm sorry.

2003-2004..I was 18 when I got pregnant.. He was a jerk and lied about every possible thing there was, stole my credit cards and racked up debt and cleaned out my bank account.  I thought I knew him.. Heck, I thought I knew everything at 18.  We were living together, we signed a 1 year lease together, but he was also still with his girl friend and they were "living together".  I had no clue.  Of course hindsight is 20/20 but I never put the pieces together until it was too late.. I was pregnant.. Come to find out the girlfriend was also pregnant. We delivered 3 weeks apart. He left when he found out I was pregnant, then she kicked him out of their house.. and she... kinda befriended me.  She knew I had no idea about her and vice-versa.  She was nice.  A few months into our new "friendship" she took him back and we stopped communicating (it was mostly via phone/text, we only saw each other a few times).  

Fast forward 2007 and he finds me on facebook "Hi, I'm sorry about what I did to you, I want to see my daughter".. Yeah, not happening.  We had a few conversations back and fourth that week and I canceled facebook.  He apparently is married to the girl friend and they have 3 kids now and thanks to yellowpages he lives about a mile from me (we're not in the city, we're in the freakin' country).  

I'm happily married and assume he still is... and I'm not saying I want to be friends or anything, I just want to give him the opportunity to know the basics about his daughter for HER sake.  She knows who I am, we have a very open adoption.. but it won't be too long before the questions about him start rolling in. I feel like I owe it to DD to keep tabs on him.. in case she wants to find him when she's 18.

It's hard to put into words what I want out of this. I have an occasional dream that he's out there looking for her.. It bothers me.  I want to fix him and have him be a good birthdad to his biological child, but I know I can't. My family doesn't talk about him, his name is like a curse word.  My husband is supportive but thinks it's a bad idea..  How do you ladies handle this?  What would you do?  Would you want to have answers for your LO? Please talk some sense into me.

BM to Kenzie 9/1/04 --- Married 1/22/09 --- Me 27 - DH 25 --- TTC our first since April 2010 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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