Single Parents

Uhh LJF?

"he told me that while he reallly likes me he has to be honest that we could never be in a permanent type of relationship.  He is from another country and his culture and religion wouldn't be approving of him having a family with a single mother."


On to Dr. Wonderful.  He and I had a big talk on Sunday.  It was easier to do in person that through email/text.  Even though his English is very good, we sometimes have mis-communications.  Hell, I think every man and woman has mis-communications, and he and I don't really that often considering English is his second language.

His communicating to me the difficulties of being long term were simply his concerns about it.  Not that it was impossible that we couldn't work through it, but he was trying to be upfront about the difficulties we would face if we did get to a point where we wanted to discuss marriage, etc.  His family is still all overseas and his parents speak no English at all.  There would also be difficulty because of his culture being unaccepting of single parenthood and he would face questions as to why he chose an American single parent as opposed to a single girl from their culture.

All that being said, his plans are to permanently reside in the US.  So I don't know how big a deal this is going to be.  And quite honestly we've only been dating for a month.  We could fizzle out for a million other reasons before we even get to these issues.

So we're both taking a few days to think and decide if it's worthwhile to continue.  I'm leaning towards yes just because we've ended up getting closer and I enjoy being with him more and more.  But I'm waiting to see what he comes up with in his thinking and guess we'll go from there.

Will keep everyone updated when we have a decision.

These two stories clearly contradict themselves. So, which is it? I see your judgement is still screwed the fvck up. It's quite obvious that you just want a Dr. Wonderful :gag: daddy for little Barrett.

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