Single Parents

What happens at a consult?

I have a consult with a lawyer on Wednesday. I wasn't going to at first, but once my BD started screaming about 50/50 custody, I got scared and decided to seek a professional. I'm hoping this is just him blowing smoke & once the baby is born he'll drop the 50/50 crap, but I can't be too sure because he LOVES the courthouse.

Anyway, I'm just a bit unclear about what happens at a consult. It's only 30minutes (that's all they offer for free, I don't have the money this week to pay for an hour consult somewhere else) I have certain questions about his rights/my rights/birth certificate/etc that I just want to know what maryland law is on these things, so she should be able to answer this for me right?

But also do I present my case to her about why i'd be fighting against him having 50/50 custody? since it's just a consult and she's not actually hired yet, will she give me legal advice? I have a bulk of the emails printed & screenshots of all the texts but not sure if it's worth bringing to her to see if i'm not even sure i'll hire her.

is there anything that i should specifically bring to her attention? i'm at a complete loss. and so is my family, none of us have ever had to do anything custody related ever. any help would be appreciated. thanks

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