Single Parents

Trying to figure out what to do

Hello ladies,

This might be a bit long, but I need advice and am not sure where else to go for it.

I'm married and expecting my first-- and his first--, due in February. We've been married for about a year, together for 5, and have had a lot of changes in the past 2 years (lay-offs, new jobs, 2 "permanent" moves with a 3 month stint in a hotel room in yet another location). We now live somwhere where I telecommute to work and travel a lot, and know no one-- no family, no friends. We are here for H's job.

He seemed to be as excited about the baby as I am-- pitching in around the house more, taking care of me, etc. But, we've had a few fights around the fact that I'm pregnant (since I'm tired a lot, can't do certain things we used to be able to do together, and since apparently I just care about the baby now, not him). It seems ridiculous to me-- H is a grown up man and it sounds to me like he's jealous of the baby. Anyway, our last fight was yesterday, and after a particularly heated argument, he told me I better not come back from my next trip (leave Wed, due back next Monday).

I'm due for an ultrasound today (a special ultrasound that my OB ordered because of neural tube defect concerns which didn't come up in time for an NT scan) and H says I'm on my own, so I can go alone.

Anyway, I'm not sure what to do.  I don't think it's fair for him to kick me out of my house-- what am I supposed to do, in two days figure out a new place to live and pack up all of my things and go? If I leave the state like that, will he be able to use it against me later? I'm a lawyer but I don't practice in this state and never have practiced family law, H has so I'm afraid he's using knowledge of this state's laws to trap me somehow into no support. Or should I come back, take my time, talk to a lawyer here and tell him to leave if he doesn't want to see me? Any advice at all would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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