Single Parents

Mediation (any CA moms?)

Hey ladies. 
I don't frequent or post on this board too often, but have my mediation and court date coming up soon and would love some insight.
Some background, my X has made it clear from the beginning he did not want a baby and wants nothing to do with us. He saw me a total of 4xs throughout my pregnancy (including the day I told him). As of June he blocked my cell phone from being able to call his cell phone and has no contact (I was due in July.. had our daughter July 13th).  He has had NO contact with us, wont allow me to contact him, and made no attempt to see the baby. His whole family is supportive of me and has contact with me and the baby.
I filed for full custody (duh) and child support, just to make everything legal in case he were to get a bug up his butt later and decide to change his mind 2-3 yrs down the line.  I don't think he will even show up for mediation and/or court, UNLESS he knows there will be consequences.

SO MY QUES:  Is there a consequence for "dads" who just don't appear to mediation and/or court dates (IN CALIFORNIA)? 

He doesn't want anything to do with us, so I know he wont show up, if he can get by without ramifications. I hope so... I don't know if I'm strong enough to see him and keep a strong face while listening to him confess to a third party that he wants nothing to do with our little angel. :( 

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