Single Parents

Lurky whatever your name is.

You are a bully plain and simple. Hiding behind you computer and stating the fact as if you are Jesus Christ is simply annoying. To add to it when your little pack of chihuahua's joins in it only make LJF look better. She owned up to who she is now it's time you own up to who you are. Go ahead and flame me as I own my mistakes in life as well. No I did not sleep with a married man and have a child. I also don't come on this board or any other board just to be a know it all wench. Single parenting was very dificult as was realizing the person who I had my oldest DS with didn't want to be a parent at all. We all have our demons but enough is enough Let it go. This women didn't hurt you so why keep harassing her. Which by definition is what you are doing.  

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