Upstate NY Babies

Is it Christmas? (AW/Brag)

SIL has been begging me to let the babies sleep over at her house. Her roomie is a teacher in an infant room so they're more than qualified- so finally I agreed for Saturday. I'm just drained from Nat's teething and B's helmet appts/paperwork stuff.

Just now, MIL called, she wants Justin to stay over Saturday night. (She is taking his cousin who's 3mths older too, for a "boys" night with her)

Saturday night with no kids. I haven't had a kid free night/morning since J was born! By the time he was 100% over his separation anxiety the twins were born. Bonus- we're going to the fair for a date night that night (we're dorks and love the E.C. fair) and for the 1st time in almost 4 years I won't be pregnant or pushing a stroller through the crowds. YIPEEEEE!


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