Single Parents

Medical Expenses

Hi Ladies,

Hope you are all enjoying your Friday :)

Question- my xh has to pay 50% of all unreimbursed medical expenses for dd. Unfortunately there are a lot of things as she has allergies, anxiety, and GI issues. XH pays his part of dr appts, medication etc.. I have not asked him to help with small items as it hasn't been worth the hassle for a few dollars.

However, things are really starting to add up now that dd is on a dairy free and gluten free diet (per the doctors).  Dairy free I have been handling myself as it's not too bad.  Gluten free is crazy- think $7 for a loaf of bread, $6 for breadcrumbs, $5 for 8oz of cookies etc...  It's been 4 days and I have spent 100 dollars on gluten free foods (in addition to her regular groceries and special milk).

It should be noted that he has her less than 2 hours per week and does not feed her any meals.  As for snacks- I will be sending her foods as she is on a very limited diet and he has failed to follow her dairy free diet multiple times so he cannot be trusted with this new diet.  And really- in less than 2 hours- how much does she eat? 

So my question is- does her dairy and gluten free diet count as an unreimbursed medical expense?  I know on taxes you can deduct the difference between the gluten free food and the "regular" version of that food (if total medical expenses come to more than 7.5% of your income.  Wasn't sure how it works with a child support order. Any experience?

Thanks and have a great weekend :) 

Kirsten DD 4-7-06
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