Single Parents

Reassurance Needed

XH is attempting to hold me in contempt of court if I don't release LO to whomever he sends to pick him up for visitation.  Our decree states "respondent (XH) picking the child up at the beginning of each visit and the Petitioner picking the child up at the end of each visit."  Meaning - the parent must be present for the exchange of the child.  He says if I wanted him to be present for the pickup, I should have stated it in the decree.  How much more clear can that wording be?!

He claims he has to work (but coincidentally, he told me a different story).  Last I knew he was unemployed (to avoid having his CS calculation raised).  Even if he has a so called job, I'm sure it's a cash under the table job, therefore, working on a Saturday would be a choice, not a contractual obligation.  If he chooses to work instead of exercising his visitation, that's his perogative right?

Has anyone been through something similar?  What recourse does he have?  Why have an agreed upon CO if you aren't going to follow it?  I thought the drama was over. Crying

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