Upstate NY Babies

i just have to shake my head and laugh

We had L's b-day party a couple of weeks ago.  Ofcourse MIL opened her mouth and made a few comments that rubbed people the wrong way, but pretty much everyone there is used to it.  For example, after we found out we were having a girl, she told MY MOM, "This isn't as important to you because you already have two granddaughters."  I wish I had been standing there because I would have ripped her apart!  My sister said my mom handled it well and said, "Every grandchild is just as important as the ones that came before it." 

Anywho, I just found out that she told some other family members after the fact that SMIL shouldn't have been invited to the party because her and FIL are divorced. HA!  SMIL sees Liam more that MIL could ever imagine.  I can count on both hands the amount of times MIL has seen L since he was born, and HE'S TWO!


Feel free to add any of your own family frustrations here.  :)

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