Upstate NY Babies

Dental Update

So last week I updated that I went in and they ground down a high spot on one of the fillings and it got better for 2 days, then the pain came back.  On Monday I called and made an appt for an Endodontist bc I figured if I needed a root canal, I wanted a professional doing it.  And I was hoping if that was the case, a different person would have a better chance with the novocaine also.

Tuesday was awful, probably the worse pain I had.  But I also felt like it was hitting my 3rd to back tooth, the one behind the eye tooth.  So I went to the dentist that did my fillings during my lunch and they said it was hitting that one hard....ground that down.  And then also said that I should think about getting orthodontics bc my bite is all over the place.  I was surprised and said I did have braces back in jr high and that my bite did not hurt at all before I got these fillings.  What the heck.

So over the last 2 days my pain has gotton a lot better and during the morning and afternoons it is just annoying, but in the evenings it is painful enough I take a tylenol.  The tylenol still takes the pain away though, so that is good.  But I don't want to take tylenol daily.  I bet I have had more tylenol this pregnancy than prenatals, ugh.

My endodontist appt was this morning.  He said I do not need a root least not yet.  Maybe the one tooth is on it's way to needing one, but it does not respond like a tooth they would normally see.  He could bang on it with no pain, and even though it is cold sensitive, it goes away and doesn't linger.  He said he was surprised I seemed disappointed.  I am thrilled I don't need a root canal, but disappointed that this is still going on and that I don't have a real solution.  I am hoping the pain gets a bit better every day.  My bite still feels different and a little off, but not like it is hitting a tooth hard.  So I am really hoping the nerves just calm down now with some more time.

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