Upstate NY Babies

Good sites for art projects?

I got a rude awakening yesterday. Turns out Ian hasn't been doing any art projects while at daycare. Seems that his teachers will ask him, and if he doesn't feel like doing them, they don't push it. Problem is, if he's not pushed, he seems to have this thought that he can do what he wants, and doesn't always have to follow along with the rest of the class. This really bothers me. He's not malicious in any way (actually, his tantrums at DC have gotten much better in the last couple months), but I don't want him to develop the attitude that school is just for playing, and he doesn't need to do anything else if he doesn't want to.We try really hard at home to get him to understand that he can't always get what he wants when he wants it, so I'd really like that thought carried over to DC. His teachers now are great, and if I tell them it's OK for them to push him more, they do it, but I'm afraid that when he moves to the next room in a few weeks that that he may regress a bit because his teachers may not be as tough on him as his current ones are.

Anyway, I'm worried that because he's rarely doing any projects, that his fine motor skills are not developing the way they should. I want to try to work with him a bit more at home over the next few weeks to try to get him more interested in working on his prewriting and cutting skills. I know I should have been doing this all along, and I'm really feeling horrible about it. I feel like I'm letting things slide because there are times when I'm just too tired from everything else that the only thing I feel like doing with him is curling up on the couch, and that's not fair to him.

Sorry this was so long. Really having a bad mommy moment today. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.

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