Upstate NY Babies

Just randomly updating...

We've decided to go ahead and set Brandon up for his helmet. I just can't take the chance that maybe PT and repositioning alone with fix his little head. It doesn't seem fair to him. The cost of the helmet will be $2500-$3000. Lucky for us Univera will pay 100% IF we can prove it's medically necessary. The woman from the neurosurgeon's office said that it's a claim insurance often denies, then they have to appeal with measurements- it is a matter of millimeters between approval and denial of the claim. Since it's time sensitive, she wants us to submit the measurements with our letter of medical necessity. Today I have to take B in to get his head scanned and measured.

Friends and family have been so nice saying they didn't think it was so bad. I took a couple of "before" pics this morning when his hair was wet so I could get a good look. Here's crossing my fingers for good luck :)



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