Upstate NY Babies

How about a Hump Day Poll?

1. What current song makes you want to rock out?

2. How much did your LO weigh at birth?

3. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you "grew up"?  Did it happen?

4. What are your top 3 memorable vacations?

5. Be honest, did you experience gender disappointment at all?

6. If you had an extra $500 and it had to be spent on yourself by the end of the day, what would you buy with it?  No saving!

7. Last movie you saw in the theater?  What about at home?

8. Is there a baby name you love but won't use for some reason?

9. Are you competitive?

10. Biggest pet peeve about your DH/DW (only 1!).  Something you love about him/her.

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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