Upstate NY Babies

I seriously don't recognize Eve anymore.

She is NOT the sweet little girl I used to have. She is a terrible listener, she greedy, selfish and mean to other kids.. She is constantly asking for toys and having fits if she doesn't get them.. It seems to be getting worse and worse. She is currently up in her bed having a tantrum and I am crying right along with her.

Yesterday was a terrible day.. The baby was fussy and she didn't listen all morning, then we went to wegmans and she kicked me, slapped and grabbed things out of my hands in a mean way. She has NEVER done any of those things..  Then we got home and she refused to nap. I was ready to lose my mind.  The evening was OK.. we snuggled on the couch awhile and did some puzzles and then DH got home and she played with him and went to bed OK. I honestly thought today would be better.

Nope. I had both girls in bed with me this morning and i got up to get dressed and left them both on the bed. I told Eve to not go near the baby. I literally turn my back to get clothes out of the closet and she's ON TOP of the sleeping baby. So I put her in her room alone. Then we went to music class and she walked in and tried to pull the stuffed frogs from TWO different little kids arms, immediately. It was the first time I really had to yell at her at music class ever.  Then we went to the free movie at the theatre here.. She only lasted about 10 minutes. she wouldn't sit..and said she wanted to leave. Fine. Then we went to a bakery with MIL and she was having a meltdown because she wanted lemonade.. we got her the lemonade.. she wouldn't drink it. We got her a chocolate muffin, she hardly ate any. She kept getting out of her seat and running around. This is one of my BIG things.. my kids will NOT run around in restaurants.  But she just wouldn't sit. So we get home and I try to give her lunch. She had a bowl of blueberries while I was getting the rest of her lunch ready. She threw them on the floor. Then she refused to eat any of the rest of her lunch.. She built a tower with it. So I told her she was going to go to bed with no lunch and she said "I want to go to bed". So I brought her to bed. We go up, and she told me that she wanted to eat after all. So i brought her back down and let her try to eat, but she just cried at the table.. so back up to bed.. and that is when the tantrum ensued.. I THINK she is finally asleep. She better take a LONG LONG LONG nap.

I know to some extent its normal. She is 2.5 and has a new baby sister.. But I really want my sweet little girl back.. I honestly don't even LIKE her a lot of time right now... we don't have fun together.. everything is just a battle. I am heartbroken.  I feel like a bad mom.  And I feel like she's never going to be my sweet Eve ever again.  I never thought she'd be a bad kid.. but I see her compared to a lot of other kids her age and she really is.


Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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