Single Parents


Divorce was finalized yesterday.  Today I feel much better about it (probably because of the drama XH is causing today).

Decree states that respondant will pick up child for each visit.  I specifically asked my lawyer if this meant he had to be present or if he could send someone else to pick up LO.  She said that he needed to do it-he is the parent.  It's in LO's best interest to know that "Daddy loves him so much he will come all the way here to spend time with me", not "Daddy doesn't care enough about me to come get me himself."

So - XH plans to send his mother the 110 miles to pick up B on Saturday morning.  XH is moving to his new home in the trailer court and just can't seem to find 4 hours another time to move the rest of his stuff the 4 miles from his parents' house to his new digs.  I told him he needs to be a parent and pick up his son or we need to reschedule (this is already a rescheduled visit for when he flaked and didn't want his visit when B was sick last month).


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