North Carolina Babies

Of all things - why shoes?

This week, Alex transitioned into the next room up at daycare.  The staff seemed to tiptoe around me, and kept reassuring me, saying that it was the right time, they'd transition him gradually and he'd be fine.  I heard another mom pushing back, when she was told it was her son's time to move, but I wasn't concerned about the change at all.  In fact, I thought it was odd that they were being so 'gentle.'

Last night, when I picked him up from the new room, the DCP told me that Alex needs to have shoes - it's policy.  I"m not a sappy person, but as I browsed through Target to get shoes last night, I was super sad.  And this morning, when I put them on Alex, he tried to get them off for a minute or two and then didn't seem to care.  For some reason, it made sad that he accepted them so easily.

When I dropped Al off today, I told the DCP that this is his first time wearing shoes, so it would be great if he didn't have to keep them on ALL day.  She responded that by early morning, they usually have a pile of kicked off shoes, but that Alex had good ones that looked like they would stay on.  That made me sad that I picked out ones that he couldn't kick off easily.

 LOL!  It's funny how such trivial things can make a mom emotional!  What things about your child have surprised you by making you emotional? 

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