January 2012 Moms

2nd hand store steal!

I know I am going to sound pretentious and stuck up, but I typically cannot STAND second hand stores like Goodwill and Savers.  Mainly because any time I have ever gone I end up getting shoved and stepped on by random pushy people and I also feel slightly dirty when I leave.

That said, recently you all have posted about your great deals that you have found on maternity clothes.  I figure that since I am no longer working, I would give it a shot.  

I picked up three shirts and a dress (for a wedding in October) for less than $15.  Granted two of the shirts aren't maternity, but work all the same, and one of those two I have to alter slightly because the boob part doesn't fit my boobs, but for $1.50 I couldn't go wrong.

And so this is me saying I probably should bite the bullet every now and then and take a trip to the second hand store.  Especially since when my DH gets home I am going to tell him about the dresser/changing table I saw for only $35. 

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