Upstate NY Babies

Does anyone have a Toyota Sienna?

I've decided to take both my boys to RI this weekend.  I was contemplating leaving Dylan home but decided to take him.  I realized that I'm not ready to be away from him for that long and also want my Grandmother to see him.  Whenever we go visit I always wonder if it will be the last time we see her, as she's in her 90's.  Anyways, we're renting a Sienna and I'm worried we won't have enough room for everything.  I have to bring a lot more since I'm taking both the boys.  I'm just wondering how much extra room there is in the back??  The car will have a roof rack, however, the men aren't going with us and we're worried we wouldn't be able to get the stuff up there without them.  We have 3 adults and 4 kids going so lots of stuff to take!!
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