January 2012 Moms

Why can't i feel my baby move??

Uggh I am getting frustrated...I think I feel her move, but then sometimes I don't feel anything? This is my first, so I don't know what to look for. I swear I feel her sometimes, it feels like a hunger grumble, but I just ate, so i know I am not hungry...and then sometimes it feels like little flutters. Usually when i lay in bed in the morning. i am my own worst enemy. I have miscarried before this pregnancy, So when I hear everyone that is just about as far along as I am, it makes me worry. We found out we are having a girl 2 weeks ago, and in the ultrasound, she was sooooo active.Pretty much playing jump rope with the unbilical word lol, so shouldn't I feel her all the time?? Thanks for letting me vent..i know everything is fine, it's just me getting in my own head. :)
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