January 2012 Moms

WWYD - Vacation including flying w/ a 10 month old?

So I know I am jumping the gun a little bit on this one, but I am a planner.  Before we found out I was pregnant, SIL invited DH & me to go to Disney with her & family in Nov 2012.  Now that we will have a 10 month old at the time of the trip, I am at odds on whether to go or not.  DH really wants to go.  We live in Central New York so it would mean flying, with at least 1 layover.  Now if we don't have the money after LO is born the whole thing is moot.  But DH seems to think we'll be able to afford the trip.  Has anyone flown and/or gone on a long vacation with a child under 1?  Any experiences/advice would be great. Thanks!
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