Single Parents

Does the visitation schedule I am offering sound fair to you?

My ex fiance broke up with me.  The only place I had to go was 1.5 hours away to my sisters house.  I moved to her city because of the family support I have there and because I intend to go back to school and get my MBA and the university is in her town.

Of course my ex is angry that I moved so far away.  He was under the impression for his own ridiculous reasons that I would stay in the small town we lived in (full of his family with none of mine living nearby and no university or other opportunites that the bigger city will offer me) and just get a place nearby him and share 50/50 custody. 

My attorney said that because of the driving distance and because I will remain working only part time that offering my ex one week day over night and every other weekend is appropriate.  My ex has agreed to this arrangement temporarily but he hired his own attorney so I assume he is planning to fight for more days.  I just don't understand what he is expecting. 

"How often does the other woman get a happy ending?" Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl
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