January 2012 Moms

Sort of Vent - we announced last week

Hi Girls. Been a while, been busy with work and then we were on our Bermuda cruise last week when we announced our pregnancy! Everyone was excited, except my MIL. Shocker. She seriously has no filter and was clearly not happy for us when everyone else was hugging us, etc. Later she told my mom/sister/SIL that it's too soon for us, how are we going to handle two kids under 2, why the winter, since it's cold (WTF - like you plan out exactly what month your kid is born in?!?). She thinks we should have waited 3 years. Thanks MIL, b/c you have ANY say in when we can have our kids....the nerve.

UGH. I am so annoyed and my poor DH is so sad, that his own mom wasn't happy for us.We videotaped the announcement and my DH wants to erase it b/c of his mom's reaction. I feel bad for him.

Vent over. On a high note - I have an appt on Thurs and will get to hear the HB AND our anatomy scan is in 2 weeks! :) 

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