January 2012 Moms

We have eyes....

and a penis and a small scare. Our u/s with the specialist went well. Everything looked perfect. They detected two lenses that are proportional to the socket. And it is a boy!! I was a little upset that we really didn't get any photos or 3D images of the baby. We got all of that with DS and a CD of the ultrasound as well. But, I guess it really wasn't that type of appointment. But, we are super excited about having another healthy baby boy. And I can't wait to experience looking into my child's eyes when he is first born. It is going to be a very joyous and emotional occasion.

We also had a slight scare this weekend. DS and I travelled to Philly on Sunday for his doctor appointment yesterday. When we got there on Sunday evening and checked into the hotel. I went to the bathroom and passed a dime sized clot. So I called my OB and he told me since I hadn't felt the baby ( I have an anterior placenta, some days I feel him and some days I don't) that I needed to go to the ER. I really wasn't worried. What stressed me out the most was trying to take care of DS in the ER alone, in a city where we know no one. It was dinner time, bath time and just not the time for this to be happening. So, we went to the ER and it was just awful. I felt so bad for DS. He didn't really eat, he was sleepy and wanted to be held by mommy and they wouldn't let me hold him. He had a total melt down. And it really upset me not being able to comfort or take care of my child the way I wanted.

Everything checked fine with the baby. It was just a long difficult day/evening. And DS is completely off schedule. He didn't go to sleep until midnight last night. So, today may be a short day at work as I am staring at the wall like a zombie.

But we are all home safe now in Charlotte and do not have to go back to Philly for a couple of months. After this experience DH has promised that this will be my last trip alone. If not I think I might have to strangle him!!


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