January 2012 Moms

I'm Back... :-) (NBR/ an update/vent)

Our move last week went okay (the actual MOVING part). Had a buddy from work who needed a car & we had an old one in KC so he & his friend helped us move & we sent him back home with the car. Just so happened that he used to be a professional mover when he first moved to the states... They were AWESOME! Got our whole apt. packed in the truck in less than 1 hour!

Glad to be back in KC, for sure, but I am not sure what we just got ourselves into...

We have been here for 11 days & STILL can't shower at our place (thank God for my wonderful parents who live down the street). Been bugging the owner & also the manager for over a week now to fix the shower (can't take a bath either because we are missing all the parts that make the shower head turn on & also plug the internal drain). Spiders, other bugs I do not wish to name, and the over-all grime is just getting to me. I don't want to get comfy because we are NOT staying here & dealing with these people for long. It's a lose-lose situation for us right now because we can't leave right away because we don't have $ upfront for another place, but this place is costing us more than we think is fair for just sleeping here at night ($525).

FIL has also sunken low enough to insult my poor hard-working husband. We were busy during the week before the move & all he demanded from us were details (move date, location of new place, etc.). He called at least 1x a day for 7 days before the move. We had given him these details 10-20x already & obviously we weren't important enough for him to remember. Oh well, whatever, we're grown-ups & have a baby on the way, so we don't OWE you any information. So, the day we are moving, DH & I have been fighting off & on about his procrastination, but I had backed off so that he could get us moved & honestly, all he needed was my support. FIL calls him for about the 15th time this week & leaves him a voicemail that says, "________, Are you still part of OUR family here???" FREAKIN' SERIOUS...??? You are going to stoop THAT low to insult your son who is moving his pregnant wife & stressed as can be only because he won't give you what YOU WANT?!?!?

Wow... FIL, please get your head out of your own butt long enough to see that you are ruining your son for your own gratification...

Thank God for my parents who have allowed us to shower daily & eat their food (I cook for them too!) during this crazy time in our lives! 

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