January 2012 Moms

Ohmygosh I just can't wait...

...until I can feel the baby move!  I swear, it's all I can think about lately (when I'm not cruising BRU online when I *should* be working).  I know that, since it's my first pregnancy, and I started off with a pretty tipped uterus, and I've got some "extra padding", it might still be weeks before I can feel the baby but I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas right now!
Baby at 17 Weeks, 1 Day
BabyFruit Ticker
BFP#1 11/13/09 - MMC 1/7/10 - D&C 1/11/10
BFP#2 5/9/11 - Due Jan 17, 2012!
My TTC Charts
My Blog
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