Single Parents

HELP!! Ex is verbally abusive in front of our child

Please bear with me this may be long but there is alot to this story: 

Im at wits end and need help, My ex and I were togther 3 yrs, planned our now 9 month old son and split when he was 4 months. We seperated because literally from the time i found out i was pregnant he was absent, i spent many nights alone wondering where he was if he was ok, and what was going to happen the next day....we fought all the time about his going out, and he often blamed me for it. He'd say if i wasnt such a b*tch, or yell so much he wouldnt leave, I'd cry and he'd tell me to stop being such a cry baby.......this lasted my entire pregnancy, yet I wanted it to work i wanted ourchild to have both his parents together. Didnt work that way. I'm now fine with that my life is far easier now that i'm not worried what he is doing. The problem is, is that now even after we split (which was his choice) he is extremely verbally abusive in front of our child. I have him 5 days his father has him 2. And those two days are hell. It never fails, he calls me an F'n B*tch, dumb whore, dirty slut, so on and so forth. I've asked him time and time again to please not do it in front of our child. He doesnt stop. I've tried helping him w/ our son to keep the peace (supplied him with everything he needs to go over there) He started dating again and so have I and it is ALWAYS brought up. He can be fine when I get there and with in 5 minutes the names and insults begin

This past saturday was the breaking point, all was fine, was getting our son ready to leave, he made a comment about the way I addressed our sons fit he was throwing, I didnt feel that I had handled it wrong, and from that points the names began. He said to get out of his house because I was being an F'ng B*tch, I said please dont do this. He then proceeded to ask why I had bruises on my leg and if it was from the "gang bang I was in" because I'm a dirty slut and a dumb whore, I went outside to put the car seat in the car, came back in to get the diaper bag and rest of my sons stuff and he tried to block me, eventually givin me enough room to get what i had to get, once in the house he came at me forehead to forehead as i'm holding our son screaming at me "to get the F out of his house you stupid B*tch" he was screaming so loud my son began to cry, I was crying, it was just really a horrible situation.  I left shaking and feeling helpless.

I can not and will not have my child around this. I am terrified no matter how hard i try to be a positive parent, my son will think his fathers behavior is okay. What can I do to stop this, we do not have a custody agreement, he does pay child support and i do not want him to not be apart of our sons life. but this is not okay,  I live in Ohio, does any one know what I can do legally?

 Or why they think he may be reacting the way he is to all of this. He chose to leave the relationship, he is with someone else but the way i dress, look, who i talk to, what i do seems to infuriate him, even though I'm not doing anything wrong.

Please help me!!!!!

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