January 2012 Moms

NBR. 1000 things men don't know about women..

My friend sent this to me and I found it funny, so I thought I would share.


Here are some I like....

No. 964: Sometimes we want to be treated like a princess. Sometimes, we want to be treated like a sex object. It's up to you to figure out which of these we want to be at any given moment, because we certainly aren't going to tell you. ?Julianna Mendelsohn, 29, Chicago

No. 925: We love it when you're in the mood, but we don't love it when you grind up against us while we brush our teeth. ?Amy Keller, 27, Chicago

No. 126: When we are pregnant, "big" jokes of any kind are a bad idea. Even if we start the jokes, back away carefully. ?Carolyn Morgan, 33, Irvine, California

Although some of them make me glad, I'm not still dating.
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