January 2012 Moms

Itchy update/vent (kinda long)

After 3 weeks, I am still super itchy on my legs, arms, and esp my abdomen and belly.  I don't have a rash, but I have tons of broken skin from scratching.  It keeps me awake at night and makes me miserable all day.  Someone else posted last week (or so) about itchiness, and I responded that my Dr. had said to try Zyrtec.

 Well, Zyrtec had NO effect, and neither did Benedryl (oral or topical), Aveeno, oatmeal baths, different skin lotions, etc.  I finally got in to see a midwife today (called my Dr. 3 times on Friday, no callback until this morning when the nurse called and said doc is on vacation, grrrr) and she said to go see a dermatologist because they would know what it was, and I probably had bedbugs!!

Well, after driving 75 miles to the OB office to be told they couldn't help me, I wasn't anxious to turn around and do it again tomorrow to see a dermatologist.  They also took blood to check for cholestasis (a liver problem that can cause crazy itchiness).  I managed (with lots of patience and a few tears) to get in to see the dermatologist today, and she said "I can't help much, I'm not an OB!!!" Oh yeah, and that I DON"T HAVE BEDBUGS!

She gave me a prescription for a corticosteroid cream, Triamcinolone, and said to try it for a few days and see if it helps.  Problem is, it's Class C.  She called an OB to see if it was safe, but he didn't answer or call back.  The OB nurse said it was ok, but I don't know that I trust her on this.

I don't know what to do...I am probably going to use a very small amount of the cream tonight and see if it has any effect, but I really don't want to harm the baby and I'm scared of using it.  This is ridiculous!!

ETA: Derm said steroids were more dangerous if I was carrying a boy than a girl, and was surprised I didn't know yet.  OB refused to do A/S before 20 weeks.  I have it in 2 weeks.  I am now wondering if, for peace of mind, I should go get an elective done? 

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