January 2012 Moms

With all the dog talk: Start preparing your animals now!

In case you haven't yet. 

(Thank you to pixy_stix for letting me repost her PSA's) 

It's really important that you start baby proofing your dogs now.  Not later, not just before the baby arrives, not "oh we'll just bring blankets home from the hospital for them to smell,"  but NOW.  This also goes for cats.  The more you work with them now, the less problems you'll have later on.

Yes, ALL dogs need a little refresher course right now, even the best-trained ones.  Even if you think your dog is good with children because your friends/brothers/sisters/neighbors come over with their baby, they'll react differently when the baby is yours and in your house constantly.

For both dogs and cats, set up any baby furniture and equipment as soon as you get it. This lets them get used to the new things before the baby arrives. Turn on gear and toys that move, make noise, light up, etc. Cats in particular do not adapt well to change, so consider using calming tools like Feliway, a DAP diffuser, or Rescue Remedy drops (which go in their water).

Some good links to help you start the process:

  1. Babies and Beasts Blog - What one mother did to baby proof her dogs.  Incredibly thorough. 
  2. Humane Society of the US's tips for introducing pets and baby
  3. NILIF - Nothing in Life is Free - Positive way to assert dominance (and ultimately peace) in your household. (Concrete ways to implement can be found here.)

In addition, there are several mothers of both human children and canine and/or feline pets on the Pets board. They are happy to answer questions.

If you have *any* behavior that you're worried about that you don't feel confident handling on your own, contact a behaviorist (not a trainer) immediately.


**This is NOT to start any controversy but rather to help those of you who have any issues that need to be worked on with your animals!** 

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