January 2012 Moms

NBR: My master bath sink got jealous...

So in the past 5 years that we have lived here we have had two leaks. One under the kitchen sink (in the wall, no biggie) then one in the slab under the hall bath sink (HUGE deal, asbestos remediation, complete flooding of extra room, carpet pulled out, drywall replacement).

Well, I guess my masterbath sink decided it was tired of all the other sinks getting all the attention because today when I went to get a roll of toilet paper out from under the sink I saw that the back wall is covered in black mold! How long has this leak been happening? There's no water in the cabinet so it's just in the wall (I think). Of course, my husband is out of town so I get to deal with it. I can't cut all the drywall out since I'm pregnant so I have to wait for the plumber to come tomorrow. I pulled everything out from under the sink and turned off the water to the sink but man this is getting old. Better not end up having to replace drywall other than the moldy stuff or pull out the whole cabinet. What a pain!

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