January 2012 Moms

In-law vent *long*

There are two parts to the story. Basically the first part involves them coming to visit us while we were in Virginia in late May (hubby's job sent us there for about a month), only to leave about 12 hours later because we were, "making fun of their dog." Now this dog is a 25lb Chihuahua who is overly aggressive and who they treat better than my husband and his brother. The incident that apparently sparked them leaving involved us taking them out to eat and them insisting on bringing the dog and leaving it in the car. They were going to take turns throughout the meal checking on the dog and running the A/C in the car because of how hot it was outside. We commented that we thought they came to visit us and that we wanted to spend time with them, not watch them constantly get up and leave to check on a dog they could have left a the apartment we were renting with our dog. (Reason they didn't want to is because we insisted they put her into a bathroom while we were gone because she is territorial and has peed on the floor to show dominance. Even though we crate our dog while we are away, we didn't want to risk coming back to a mess that we would be financially responsible for. They said it was cruel to do that to her and refused.) They were mad we called them out, called us disrespectful, and left without trying to resolve anything. This was the same weekend we were going to tell them about the baby. Them leaving like that, crushed DH and he actually cried over the incident. One of only two times I have ever seen him cry.

This leads to the second part of the story. We had bought a truck off them about a month prior. We needed one to haul our motorcycle and they offered us $2000 for it. They had their mechanic fix it up for another $2000 and assured me it was good to go on my trip from Virginia back to Vegas. Well, lo and behold the truck dies on me at 12pm in Albuquerque, NM at a gas station with the temperature over 100. DH suggests I call his dad and let them know and see if they had suggestions on what we should. At the same time that I am calling his dad, my brother (who was my traveling buddy) is calling both of my parents. Within minutes my mom is packing and ready to come drive down to NM to get us. My dad is texting me asking me if he needs to either wire me money to get it fixed  or to get a rental. He was also prepared to come out there to get us.

I call my FIL and all he does for 15 minutes is lecture me about buying used cars and that they knew it wouldn't make it to Vegas! I was furious because I asked them 4 separate times before I left TN if they thought the vehicle would make it. They swore up and down that it 100% would and that their mechanic said it would and yada yada yada. Now, they were backtracking. I finally got him off the phone and called DH who was even more furious than I was. I was looking for help and suggestions on what to do, not a lecture. We finally decide to tow it to a nearby service station and discover that the issue is the compressor, which has locked up the engine. Now this is the same A/C compressor they swore their mechanic replaced and that he charged us for. After talking to the mechanic and having them show it to me, it was obvious the compressor was not new. So I tell DH who calls them and says he feels like they should either pay for the $1300 repair or they should refund us the money we paid them to have their mechanic "fix the A/C" since it's obvious he didn't do it. They got pissed and said we were gold-diggers and money grubbers and horrible people for asking them to make good on the truck. I should mention they own their own business and the mechanic in question is an employee of theirs. I have enough documentation, I feel we could take them to court for compensation if it was about the money as they are suggesting it is. For us, it's obviously not about the almighty dollar. It's about doing what's right and I know that if the situation was reversed, I would refund their money in a heartbeat.

Anyway, I thought that after they found out we were pregnant that they might come around and at least speak to us again. It's been 6 weeks since we sent out the ultrasound pictures and no phone call, no text, no email...nothing. We confirmed they got it because my BIL lives with them and said they did receive it and he saw it himself. Plus, we've heard through various other family members that they are going around talking about how we all talk all the time and they've been sending baby stuff to us, even though that is not the case.

DH is really hurt because he feels that no one cares that we're having a baby. He sees how excited my family is about it and he wants the same thing. I want the same thing for him. It breaks my heart to see his face when I slip up and mention them. His whole face just drops and he looks so sad. I've asked him if he wants to call them or if he wants me to, but he says no. He said that they've been playing these games all his life and he doesn't want to continually deal with their backstabbing and lies.

It's a messed up situation and I'm just frustrated and angry that they can't get past their crap and just be excited and support their son. 

BabyFruit Ticker
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
BFP #1 5/07/11, DS 01/19/12
BFP #2 08/09/12, M/C 08/10/12
BFP #3 10/30/12, EDD 07/11/12...please stick!
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