January 2012 Moms

Anyone else with abdominal scar tissue?

Hello ladies,

As I've started to finally get a bigger bump in the past week (still only visible to myself and DH), I've been annoyed by this constant ... sensation ... near my sternum and belly button.  Definitely way to high up to be the uterus.  It's really hard for me to describe the sensation... it's like a burning or tightness.  Kind of like when you have a muscle twitch, but constant.  

I had my gallbladder out in 4/2010, so I have scar tissue around my belly button and near my sternum, so I wonder if I am feeling that tissue moving around as organs are being pushed around my abdominal cavity.  Has anyone else had this issue? And if you have... is there anything that can be done for it?  It's not painful enough to warrant Tylenol, but it's just driving me crazy.  

It's probably not helping that I'm super tired (despite the 10 hours of sleep I got last night), so I'm not feeling as "go with the flow" as I usually do.

Thanks for your help! 

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