Single Parents

CS Question with back story

OK, a little back story and then my question: BD and I were childhood sweethearts separated by a move, and found each other again 13 years later in a chance meeting in random parking lot and were together pretty much from that moment on.  Two years later I got my BFP (January of 2010,) he was gone by April, I had our son in September.  He was working when we got together, and then decided to quit work and go back to school.  We had an agreement that I would support us and as long as he was in school he didn't have to work.  Two months after we split he quit school and never got a job.

I filed for CS back in November, and he KNEW I had filed, but it took 7 months to get to court.  So, June 2 we go to court, he was ordered to pay the equivilant of 4 weeks of daycare a month and it was ordered to begin August 1st.  July 29th rolls around and I text him to ask if he's going to have his child support on the first, he replies no.

So my question is this...  What recourse do I have and how long do I have to wait? 

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