January 2012 Moms

Could this be fetal movement?

So for the past few weeks, I've been more frequently feeling these weird sensations in my uterus.  They are fleeting and they're in different spots which is why I'm starting to wonder if it's the baby.


It feels like what it would feel like if you scratched the inside of your mouth with your fingernail.  Like it doesn't actually hurt but it doesn't really feel that great.  I have endometriosis so I have weird nerve issues with my uterus anyway (the endometrial deposits on the outside make it possible to actually feel my uterus where normally you don't have nerves).  Anyway, most women seem to describe it as nice and not painful so I'm really not sure.  I definitely feel a semi-uncomfortable feeling when it happens so it's a little disconcerting.


Is this fetal movement or something else?  I tried googling it but all I came up with was people saying they felt pain at like 34 weeks when baby kicked their organs.  Fetal doppler says baby is still going strong so I'm not actually concerned but it's a weird feeling! 

Mama to a baby girl born 1/21/2012.
Currently back stateside but missing Kenya!
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