January 2012 Moms

Sweet 16... and more rant about dogs.... :/

Weeks that is :) My little ninja is an avocado now :):)

Almost half way there, I just can't wait to find out if its a boy or a girl....

How's everyone else?

Well I see that a lot of us here have problems with the dogs. I for example have a fear aggressive dog who has been attacked by the neighbor dog a few times and he now has major issues :( With us he's an incredibly loving dog. He's well trained, but when a dog or a stranger approach his fear takes over and he goes nuts. He also doesn't care if its kids or adults they all scare him and his first instict is protecting himself by biting. If we gave him away I'm almost certain he'd be put down but he does not deserve that. BUT when the baby comes I just don't know how he'll react. I don't want to get rid of him but my baby is more important!!!

DH on the other hand won't give him up and I get what he means BUT at the same time i don't see any effort on his part to fix this. We've had 3 trainers but we need to now keep up with the training. And DH always says he will do it but doesn't. He's even been slacking on walking the dog and just runs him in the back. he DOES get plenty of excercise but he's not exposed to other dogs or people to be rehabed. And already now DH says how he's too tired and has to work long hours. SO yes, i get that and don't deny it, but if he says he doesn't have time how will he have time when the baby comes. His suggestion was to just keep the dog away fromt the baby but how's that teaching the dog anything if he's isolated. And I don't want to go through that stress. The past 3 years have been nothing but stressful b/c we can't take the dog anywhere and it's just pain...

So ladies, I don't have an advise as I'm seeking one myself, but wanted to let you know that you are not alone...

thanks for reading (if you made it this far) :)

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