January 2012 Moms

New baby and the dogs

Husband and I just had a whopper fight - all about the dogs.  We have two labs, they stay outside during the day, and are inside at night.  He HATES dog hair, and any messes that are associated with the dogs.  For the most part, the dogs are trained to "go" in the bushes, not in the yard.  They are very well trained dogs.  I take care of them 95% of the time, needing help when I'm travelling for work or sick. 

Now, he has decided - no compromising - that he's getting rid of the dogs.  He has his reasons, some are reasonable, some aren't.  The bottom line is that he's annoyed with all things dogs, and unless I put the extra effort into making the dogs virtually invisible, he won't be happy.  Invisible means, always outside, with bark collars on (they only bark when there is something there to bark at), and I dissapear w/o husband for walks and dog time, at least 30 minutes daily.

His argument is that when the baby arrives, we (I) won't have time to take care of the dogs, and he doesn't want our kid around them.  He doesn't trust them.  I get that I'll be preoccupied, and probably won't be the best dog-mom while adjusting to a new infant - but is that a reason to get rid of the dogs? 

I don't know, really I'm just ranting.  I'm at such a loss to know what to do.  Husband said that by not getting rid of the dogs, I'm not considering his feelings.  But then he also said that when the dogs are gone - we will never have a cat or dog again.  That's so unacceptable to me!  I'm so upset I don't even want him to go to our u/s this week. 

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