Upstate NY Babies


We haven't talked HW's in a while and I just caught up a little. 

Teresa:  I get that it's hard to let stuff go, but I think she needs to let go of everything with Melissa and Kathy.  I don't even know why she's so mad at Kathy, maybe I missed something?  I feel like it seems like Teresa is always making digs at Melissa.  Maybe it's editing.  Oh and Milania seems like a terror.

Jacqueline:  I like the way that she came off this season, nice and pretty normal, but Ashley is a brat! I hate the way she treats her family.  In the upcoming episodes, I think Jacqueline kicks her out of the house.  Something about making a comment that at 20 Jacqueline had her and she doesn't have a baby, not nice. 

Caroline:  Who has anything bad to say about Caroline?  

Melissa:   IDK, she's alright.  I used to like Teresa more, but showing the family drama has changed my mind a little. She's trashed Teresa a lot this season too.  And she needs to probably give up some of the hats and the singing.  At least they haven't been focusing on Joe chasing her around, talking about sex all this time lately!

Kathy:  She's okay, not much to say other than I don't understand what happened b/w her and Teresa.  Sometimes Rich comes off a little funny, I don't think he's putting on an act for the camera.

And in other HW news, I saw a Beverly Hills commercial that starts up in September Yes

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