Single Parents

Dear STBXH, (vent-probably long and rambling)

You need to get over yourself.  Spending your precious few hours that you are allowed to see B each month by dragging him along to activities that YOU want to do in an attempt to show him off is selfish.  He is not bonding anymore with you than with the random people sitting next to you at the baseball game at 10pm on a Saturday night.  The fact that you have to post pictures on facebook to attempt to show you're a wonderful dad is laughable.  You are a fraud.  A fraud who doesn't support his child financially, want to see him when he's sick, or call so he can hear your voice.

It is ridiculous that you stayed in the same city that B lives in until 3.5 hours prior to me picking him up.  You taking him the 110 miles back to your parents' house just so I had to drive all the way there to pick him up doesn't prove anything - it proves that you did it "because you can" and in turn, B had to travel 4 hours in the car instead of 2.  Oh - and those extra 2 hours you could have spent interacting with him instead of being on the road.  Glad you put B's interests before your own.

You wanted this divorce from the start.  You chose alcohol and sex over your family.  Sign the papers already.  We mediated, you agreed to things.  Don't try to nickel and dime me now for one additional household item each week that you want.  It is not my fault that you have nothing and are just now realizing it.

Finally, stop calling me to ask about things that should be going through the lawyers.  I will not answer you at 11pm and don't care if you get angry.  I have asked you so many times, I have lost count.  What do you not understand?  Talk shizt all you want about me, anyone who knows anything of the situation knows you're a cheating, lying deadbeat and finds your antics laughable.


Your SO much more intelligent and better off STBXW

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