Upstate NY Babies

Bully at DD's Daycare - long vent

Last Wednesday I was called by Claire's daycare that another child knocked her to the ground and she had a bump and bruise on her eye.  I figured someone accidently knocked into her and it wasn't anything major but when I picked her up it looked as if she was in a boxing match.  Her eye was completely swollen and bruised and she has complained for days that her eye hurts.  I asked her who did it and she kept saying the same thing to me but I couldn't make it out...until Friday.  She said, "Kingston." Normally she blames the dog for things..ha!

 I looked today on the daycare list and sure enough, there is a new boy name Kingston in the room. The head teacher asked to see her eye when we were there since she wasn't there last week.  I remarked that she told me who did it and the teacher looked surprised that I knew.  So I asked Claire in front of them.  My poor baby looked around to see if he was there before she would say it and then told the teacher.  The teacher looked at me with a certain look and I asked if Kingston was a rough and tumble boy...she said, "We're working on it."  I asked if he was new and she said he only comes a few days a week and he's already on a timeline for being asked to leave daycare. 

So now what I thought to be harmless push from playing turns into a that I really shouldn't know about.  But since I do, I'm concerned. I guess my main concern is that it seems they waiting for another kid to get hurt before removing him.  If at 2.5 years old he's already on a timeline, what's the reality of him reforming quickly so no one else gets hurt? 

Am I being overly protective and weird about this or should I just chill out? 



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